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Striving for




Support Available

Grids For Learning:

The majority of students with SEN and/or disability can have their needs met within the classroom setting with reasonable adjustments and adaptive practice. Progress is monitored by the class teacher and Head of Faculty / Pastoral and Learning Leader; with reviews by the SENDCo monitoring the progress of all students with SEND at data collection points.  Parents/carers are welcome to contact the SENDCo if they have any concerns which they feel relate directly to their child’s SEND.

Students identified on the SEND register are those who need additional to and from the universal curriculum offer; where difficulties are significant and persistent as opposed to isolated gaps in teaching and learning which can otherwise be addressed with targeted intervention and adaptive practice.

Children who have EHCPs and SEND support will have a Grid For Learning detailing the adaptive provision needs of the child. It is accessible by all classroom teachers and contains information on:

  • child’s views and aspirations
  • strengths
  • difficulties and correlating support strategies
  • access arrangements

Parents/carers (in addition to students) are invited to review the Grids For Learning in conjunction with the SEND team twice a year as standard, and at any other time/stage that concerns/changes may arise.


Shirebrook Academy provides provision for a range of SEND needs: cognition and learning; communication and interaction; sensory and physical; social, emotional and mental health. This includes (but is not limited to) ASD, ADHD, Global Developmental Delay, Hearing Impaired and Visual Impaired. Shirebrook Academy recognises not all children may have diagnoses, and this is not necessary in order to access some support for presenting needs.

Existing facilities provided to assist access to the school by children with physical disabilities/mobility difficulties:

  • Wheelchair access onto school grounds via the entrance.
  • Car Park has disabled access.
  • Wheelchair access into the school.
  • Disabled toilets
  • Lifts to provide access to lower/upper floors
  • Early exit, skip-the-queue, and lift passes to support moving around site
  • IT to support access to learning in line with normal modes of working, reasonable adjustments and identified access arrangements

Subject to risk assessment, we ensure that all our students, but particularly those with SEND are included in the activities available; committed to ensuring that any reasonable additional arrangements to allow students to access activities take place. 

Where specific access arrangements need to be made, we involve parents/carers by:

  • discussing support and risk control measures with parents/carers
  • taking advice from the place to be visited in terms of their facilities and accessibility
  • taking advice from professionals involved in the child’s care